Monday, June 1, 2009

Tell Congress You Oppose the $3,100 Per Family Cap-and-Trade Tax!

At a time when Americans are losing their homes and losing their jobs, having a hard time making ends meet Congress wants to burden us with new taxes by introducing a bill titled The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, H.R. 2454 (ACES) or more commonly called “Cap-and-Trade”. This bill will increase taxes on every American.. Every time you flip a switch you will be taxed. Every time you use energy you will be taxed. Adding insult to injury, Americans will lose jobs to foreign companies. According to the experts at the Heritage Foundation, studies show that for every clean job created Americans will lose 2.2 jobs. Cap-and-Trade should be more aptly named Cost-and-Tax!

Cap-and-Trade would be more aptly named "Cost-and-Tax" because that is exactly what it will do to all Americans. The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, H.R. 2454 (ACES) is designed to do a number of things, but nothing for the environment. No one who is pushing the ACES Act knows or can answer the true cost of Cap-and-Trade or any real benefits to our environment.

Cap-and-trade is a tax designed to make carbon based fuels like OIL, COAL and NATURAL GAS more expensive by limiting the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that can be released into the atmosphere. Although the tax will be placed on businesses, they will pass the cost on to consumers. They must do this to stay in business.

Many Americans are not even aware of H.R. 2454 and do not understand the devastating impact this bill will have on the economy.

1— It is estimated that the cost of H.R. 2454 will cause an increase of $3,100 per American household. Every time YOU turn on a light, your stove, adjust your Thermostat, take a shower, fill your gas tank or start your car, you will pay considerably more for that privilege.

2—The Cap-and-Trade program has been attempted in Spain and was abandoned due to severe failure. It doesn't work and hasn't resulted in reduced CO2 emissions in Europe. Why pay for a program that has been proven as a failure? Why waste your tax dollars?

3—The Cap-and-Trade program will force as much as 1.5 million American jobs overseas. It will kill 2.2 jobs for every “clean job” it creates. To add insult to injury, your tax dollars will travel overseas, filling the pockets of foreign corporations.

Ask yourself, how does The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, H.R. 2454 help me? Help America? Answer, it does not help at all.

Your only hope to help yourself and your fellow Americans-- your friends and neighbors, is for you to call you Congressional Representative and say NO to H.R. 2454. Don't let Congress give you excuses as to why they are in favor of Cap-and-Trade. Say No to Cap-and-Trade. Tell your Representative: “If you vote for H.R. 2454 I will not vote for you and will work to defeat you in the next election.”

Keep the Money in Your Pocket, Keep the Jobs in The United States.

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