Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Letter Sent to our Congressmen regarding ACES

This letter was sent by one of our Tea Party Patriots, and I thought that it might inspire you as you write your own.

Dear Sirs:

I am constantly bemused by the arrogance you portray each day, Democrat and Republican alike… as you march forward in your grab to control every aspect of our lives, diminishing our liberties and freedoms even further. The perfect example is this nonsensical CAP and TAX bill currently before you. VOTE NO! VOTE NO! VOTE NO! VOTE NO!!!!

I do not support this bill…and who are you to tell me when and how much air conditioning I can use in the dead of summer, or heat, in the dead of winter? How dare you ASSUME that WE THE PEOPLE support you or your wasteful decisions. We, my husband and I, are on a fixed income. We have lived our lives according to the rules and values we were raised with…and YOU SIRS are trampling everything we were brought up to believe that was right and just in this land…the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE.


And one special shout out to Mr. Waxman for bringing in the speed reader to the floor…that was possibly the most incredibly arrogant, mean spirited thing I’ve ever witnessed. If you would all step back, quit this CRISIS mode you have adopted to push through yet more taxes, spending and nonsense, and DO YOUR JOBS…Oh, I don’t know, like READ THE BILLS BEFORE you, perhaps WE THE PEOPLE would take you more seriously. What a circus Washington, D.C. has become.

You may all want to reconsider your actions, as you move along in your discussions of this and other bills…because what you need to understand, is that WE THE PEOPLE are watching you closely, and at this point, our votes may be all we have, but we can certainly use them in 2010 to clean up what many, if not most Americans see as lack-luster representation by each of you.

Sincerely yours,



  1. Excellent letter!! We are also going to start writing the State about upholding the 10th Amendment (State's Rights). I think it's time for Atlas to shrug. [wink]

  2. That is a very good letter and I hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears. I've written more letters to my representatives in the past six months than I ever have in my lifetime. I feel they don't do any good. Everything I disagree with still passes.

  3. Hi Dawn,

    Have you seen this video yet?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePCnIx4yvmU
    Sounds like we're not as alone as I thought we were in our fight for freedom.

    God bless,
    Pamela :o)
