Thursday, June 25, 2009

Park Fees Update

I just wanted to let everyone know where we stand with the Park Fees that were charged by Glynn County for the use of Gascoigne Park. Clyde Hogg addressed this issue at the County Commission several weeks ago, and the County attorney has clarified that the parks department is only supposed to be charging for exclusive use of parks - however, the county and the attorney also admits that it is impossible to have exclusive use of Gascoigne Park. (Not to mention that we were told repeatedly when I rented the park, that we were not going to have it exclusively and that anyone else can use the park.) Now they are saying that it was to guarantee that large groups could not come in and be competing for the same space - However, the Police Permit actually fixes that problem - the police chief will not issue dueling permits. Basically, this seems to be a disagreement between the county attorney as the legality and the Parks Dept who wants to be able to charge for the space....

So, due to the hard work of Clyde going back and forth to the attorney and Commissioner Amy Calloway - we will be refunded the $300 and we also still have a valid permit. The county still will keep the $400 deposit until the event is over and there is no cleanup, damage, etc... I haven't gotten the check yet, but I am told that we will - and so, that means more popcorn, cotton candy, and watermelon (I hope) ~ Yeah!!!

Thanks, Clyde for all your hard work!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Letter Sent to our Congressmen regarding ACES

This letter was sent by one of our Tea Party Patriots, and I thought that it might inspire you as you write your own.

Dear Sirs:

I am constantly bemused by the arrogance you portray each day, Democrat and Republican alike… as you march forward in your grab to control every aspect of our lives, diminishing our liberties and freedoms even further. The perfect example is this nonsensical CAP and TAX bill currently before you. VOTE NO! VOTE NO! VOTE NO! VOTE NO!!!!

I do not support this bill…and who are you to tell me when and how much air conditioning I can use in the dead of summer, or heat, in the dead of winter? How dare you ASSUME that WE THE PEOPLE support you or your wasteful decisions. We, my husband and I, are on a fixed income. We have lived our lives according to the rules and values we were raised with…and YOU SIRS are trampling everything we were brought up to believe that was right and just in this land…the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE.


And one special shout out to Mr. Waxman for bringing in the speed reader to the floor…that was possibly the most incredibly arrogant, mean spirited thing I’ve ever witnessed. If you would all step back, quit this CRISIS mode you have adopted to push through yet more taxes, spending and nonsense, and DO YOUR JOBS…Oh, I don’t know, like READ THE BILLS BEFORE you, perhaps WE THE PEOPLE would take you more seriously. What a circus Washington, D.C. has become.

You may all want to reconsider your actions, as you move along in your discussions of this and other bills…because what you need to understand, is that WE THE PEOPLE are watching you closely, and at this point, our votes may be all we have, but we can certainly use them in 2010 to clean up what many, if not most Americans see as lack-luster representation by each of you.

Sincerely yours,


Monday, June 1, 2009

Tell Congress You Oppose the $3,100 Per Family Cap-and-Trade Tax!

At a time when Americans are losing their homes and losing their jobs, having a hard time making ends meet Congress wants to burden us with new taxes by introducing a bill titled The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, H.R. 2454 (ACES) or more commonly called “Cap-and-Trade”. This bill will increase taxes on every American.. Every time you flip a switch you will be taxed. Every time you use energy you will be taxed. Adding insult to injury, Americans will lose jobs to foreign companies. According to the experts at the Heritage Foundation, studies show that for every clean job created Americans will lose 2.2 jobs. Cap-and-Trade should be more aptly named Cost-and-Tax!

Cap-and-Trade would be more aptly named "Cost-and-Tax" because that is exactly what it will do to all Americans. The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, H.R. 2454 (ACES) is designed to do a number of things, but nothing for the environment. No one who is pushing the ACES Act knows or can answer the true cost of Cap-and-Trade or any real benefits to our environment.

Cap-and-trade is a tax designed to make carbon based fuels like OIL, COAL and NATURAL GAS more expensive by limiting the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that can be released into the atmosphere. Although the tax will be placed on businesses, they will pass the cost on to consumers. They must do this to stay in business.

Many Americans are not even aware of H.R. 2454 and do not understand the devastating impact this bill will have on the economy.

1— It is estimated that the cost of H.R. 2454 will cause an increase of $3,100 per American household. Every time YOU turn on a light, your stove, adjust your Thermostat, take a shower, fill your gas tank or start your car, you will pay considerably more for that privilege.

2—The Cap-and-Trade program has been attempted in Spain and was abandoned due to severe failure. It doesn't work and hasn't resulted in reduced CO2 emissions in Europe. Why pay for a program that has been proven as a failure? Why waste your tax dollars?

3—The Cap-and-Trade program will force as much as 1.5 million American jobs overseas. It will kill 2.2 jobs for every “clean job” it creates. To add insult to injury, your tax dollars will travel overseas, filling the pockets of foreign corporations.

Ask yourself, how does The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, H.R. 2454 help me? Help America? Answer, it does not help at all.

Your only hope to help yourself and your fellow Americans-- your friends and neighbors, is for you to call you Congressional Representative and say NO to H.R. 2454. Don't let Congress give you excuses as to why they are in favor of Cap-and-Trade. Say No to Cap-and-Trade. Tell your Representative: “If you vote for H.R. 2454 I will not vote for you and will work to defeat you in the next election.”

Keep the Money in Your Pocket, Keep the Jobs in The United States.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The American Clean Energy & Security Act of 2009

First of all, when I called Kingston's office earlier today - they told me that the Congressman was "swaying" toward voting No on this bill. Since then, the answer has changed according to many reports I have received today. I have had several people e-mail me that after calling, the staffer has said that Kingston will be voting No. That change was made a mere few hours after I had checked in on him. (That's the last time I assume he will automatically vote against these crazy taxes.) So, Good job, everyone!

It seems that due to the pressures on Congress regarding this bill, they have decided to push it back into the smaller committees rather than risk a full House vote at this time. They probably think that we'll quit paying attention after a while - let's prove to them that the days of us not paying attention are over. The sooner we can kill this bill the better.

The following is an e-mail update that I have received from

The Cap & Trade (ACES) Act has been referred to eight committees;these are the targets we need to focus on right now. Basically, wefeel that Waxman doesn’t have enough votes to pass HR 2454 on thefloor so it has been moved into these committees.

Why is this bill being put back into committees?

Could it be there are sweetheart deals being cooked up to get thispassed?

Tell the committees NO government limits on our rights to consume!

NO to HR 2454 (ACES)!

Committee on Energy and Commerce, (202) 225-2927
Committees on Foreign Affairs, (202) 225-5021
Financial Services, (202) 225-4247
Education and Labor, (202) 225-3725
Science and Technology, (202) 225-6375
Transportation and Infrastructure, (202) 225-4472
Natural Resources, Agriculture, (202) 225-6065
Ways and Means, (202) 225-3625

May 21st Mark Up on HR 2454

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It looks like our main speaker will be Barry Farber, but we are still trying to raise the money to cover his (and his wife's) airfare from NY. This is the only compensation he has requested, and he is willing to fly Coach, so I am thrilled that we are able to have him join us! If anyone is able to help out with a few dollars, please remember that you can make a deposit at any Security Bank branch into the Tea Party account or by using the "Chip in" widget to the right.

Jackie will be joining me as a co-coordinator of our event. She is located in Kingsland, and she is working on publicity as well. You can also e-mail her at if you have any questions.

Also, we are still in need of more food vendors. As of now, we have a hot dog cart and a barbeque trailer. I would like to have the Tea Party give out popcorn and cotton candy and request donations at these tables. A few of us were also considering renting a bounce house for the kids. It costs $140, and allows 8 children to bounce at a time. We have also reserved 2 portable event toilets from Jon-Jons. They assure me that these are nice and have not been used on construction sites. The cost is going to be $65 for each.

We have a registrar who has agreed to run the Voter Registration Table.

The following is a list of the volunteer positions we need for the Tea Party. If you are interested in helping out in any of these areas, please e-mail me at

People to help with the children's games
People to help with facepainting
Attendants for the Bounce House (maybe)
Working the Popcorn Machine
Working the Cotton Candy Machine
Parking Lot help - to help people find parking spaces
Setting up the tables, machines, etc.. (we need to start about 9:30 - 10:00 probably)
Breaking down at the end of the day
Clean up of any papers, trash, etc...
People to write "Letters to the Editor" of the Bwk News and Georgia Times Union
Make signs for the roadside to help advertise the event
Bake Sale? (maybe)
People to man the information tables

Friday, May 15, 2009

Park is Rented

I have paid the money for the park, and our permit has been approved - so all systems are a go! We are currently looking for musicians and performers for our Program, and we would also like to add more food vendors to the festivities. If you, or anyone you know, would like to participate, please e-mail me at

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blood is Literally Shooting out of my Eyes!

Take a look at how the new social justice system works with regard to the Chrysler Bankruptcy!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Park Rental

I have some good - no great - news! Due to some very generous anonymous donors, we now have the money for the park rental. I will go on Monday to reserve the park for our Tea Party. Any further money that we receive will be used for equipment rentals, entertainment, advertising, etc... (There are still plenty of areas that need to be funded.)

Thank you to everyone who has donated so far!

Friday, May 8, 2009

We have a Flat Bed Truck

Top Dog Wrecker Service will be allowing us the use of his truck, so that need has been filled. Thank you to everyone who worked to track down a solution!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Needs for Fourth of July Tea Party

I am listing the current needs we have as we are organizing for the Fourth.

We need entertainers and speakers

Platform or flat bed truck for the stage
Big screen and projector

Food and Drinks

Medical Volunteer who knows First Aid

Fund Raising

If anyone can help with any of these items, please be sure to e-mail me at

Tea Party Express

Be sure to check out We're not near the tour, but we don't have the worst offenders either.....

From their website:

From August 28th to September 12th the "Tea Party Express" bus will tour the country, hosting tea party rallies to hold our leaders accountable for their out-of-control tax and spend policies.
We'll highlight some of the worst offenders, and work to take our country back beginning with the upcoming 2010 elections.

Friday, May 1, 2009

President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Others Owe 1.2 Million Tea Party Patriots Apology

The American People Deserve Better From Their Elected Representatives and Are Beginning to Demand It.

Among the political class it has apparently become acceptable, and even fashionable, for American politicians from the President on down to mock the citizens they represent. In a development that can only further denigrate the discourse necessary to any effective democracy, politicians and the "serious" news media are now mocking citizens regularly and with impunity. Supported by mainstream journalists on MSNBC and CNN who themselves use sexual slurs on national television to mock and attack the same citizens, the politicians openly demonstrate their feelings of superiority in regard to those they were elected to represent. They now candidly express their disdain for a significant portion of the American population without threat of reprisal by the mainstream media.

On the morning of the April 15th Tea Parties, the American public was informed on national news by one of the President's economic advisers, Jared Bernstein, that the President was "unaware" of the tea parties taking place in over 850 cities across the nation. On April 29th, the President informed a town hall meeting in St. Louis that he has now become aware of the tea parties, but only from "certain news channels on which I'm not very popular." He referred to the one million plus Patriots who came out in legitimate and constitutionally protected demonstrations of free speech on April 15th as "folks waving tea bags around..." While he collects royalties (last year about $2.6 million) from his books, The Audacity of Hope and Dreams From My Father, the President has the audacity to imply that we the people have nothing legitimate to say about high taxes, wasteful spending and corporate bailouts. The President also seems to believe that it is appropriate to mock millions of Americans who are expressing their opinions publicly in a peaceful manner. "Perhaps he feels that by mocking the tea parties and the patriots who attend them, that he can marginalize them. But we know that real patriots cannot be marginalized, and that they will continue to make their voices heard in ever greater numbers," says Dawn Forbes, St. Simons Island Tea Party Coordinator and Tea Party Patriots National Leadership Council Member.

This sort of condescending approach to the grassroots is a hallmark of politicians all across this land. We, the grassroots are mocked by the President as "folks waving tea bags around." Discussion of our legitimate complaints and concerns is avoided through the use of derogatory and condescending rhetoric. We've heard similar rhetoric from the Speaker Nancy Pelosi who says the tea parties are an "Astroturf initiative," and "contrived events backed by those who like tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans." Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL), called people who attended the Tea Parties "despicable" and "shameful," "corporate interests" and said the events were created by "Republican lobbyists and politicians". At every level, the President and the majority of politicians at a national level refuse to discuss the issues head on, and refuse to acknowledge the fact that a huge, non-partisan, grassroots movement has coalesced around limited government, fiscal responsibility and lower taxes. As politicians, they are simply interested in taking and spending more and more of our money, and in leaving our children with the burdens of their excess. And they will mock, deride and oppose anyone who objects to what they are doing.

At this time, the President, and all other politicians who demeaned the protestors, Speaker Pelosi (CA), and Rep. Schakowsky (IL) included, owe 1.2 million patriots an apology. If our politicians are truly interested in dialogue with the people they claim to represent, such a dialogue must begin with respect for the citizens of this country. That show of respect will begin when the politicians acknowledge that mocking and demeaning well-intentioned, peaceful Tea Party Patriots who love their country is the height of arrogance and a terrible mistake. The American people deserve better from their elected representatives, and they are beginning to demand it.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mark your Calendars

On Sept 12, 2009, there will be a Taxpayer March on Washington. Several grassroots movements are joining forces to make a huge stand on that day that we have had ENOUGH! So, save the date, and join this historic march if at all possible. You can read more about this event here:

Shout out to our Sponsors

I am working on getting links on here for our sponsors, but in the meantime, I want everyone to know that we are working with The Islander, 1440 WGIG, 1490 WMOG, and Be Seen/Fendig Outdoor.

The Islander has already started running ads with information on how to donate. WGIG and WMOG will start running an ad next week with information as well. Also, the sign at the end of the causeway will start running an ad soon that directs people to this website for more information.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Store and Donations are on line

In the right sidebar, you'll see two new widgets. The top is for donations toward the Independence Day Tea Party. We definitely need $700 for the rental of the park, and anything over that will be used for advertising, equipment rental, and entertainment.

UPDATE: I wanted to clarify that the actual rental for the park will be $300 plus a $400 deposit that will be refunded if everything is in good condition after the event. The refunded amount will then be used for the deposit for future tea parties. (end updated info)

The second widget is our Zazzle store. I've designed 3 bumper stickers, but there are loads more available on Zazzle, too. If you click through this site, my understanding is that we still get some royalty on the sale.

Please let me know if you'd like to design something for the store - this is a collaborative effort.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Petitions on their way to Washington

Well, I got to the Post Office with 10 minutes to closing today. But, I did get all three petitions in the mail via Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation. Here's the Delivery Confirmation numbers for those of you who are curious as to when they get the delivery:

Rep. Kingston 03080730000139105648

Sen. Isakson 03080730000139105655

Sen Chambliss 03080730000139105631

They should be delivered in 2 - 3 days, and you can check these numbers on

Independence Day Tea Party in beginning stages

Hi, Fellow Tea Party Patriots! The Glynn County Tax Day Tea Party was a huge success. At the final count, we had 636 people come out to take a stand for liberty with us. That is amazing! With this event being held at lunchtime on a weekday, these numbers were far more than my wildest imagination. And, that's not all ~ they are estimating that 1 - 1.2 million Americans attended tea parties in 850 cities across this great land. That number is just staggering. And, of course, the main stream media is trying to direct how our Tea Parties are interpreted, but you and I know that what they are saying is simply not true. But, we also know why they are saying it - they are afraid that the status quo is about to have a huge change, and they don't know how to cope with that!

I also wanted to let you all know that I am mailing our petitions to Congressman Kingston, Sen Isakson, and Sen. Chambliss tomorrow via Priority Mail. Hopefully they will receive them before the budget vote that will potentially happen this week. We have over 500 signatures on these petitions, and I would guess that they are about 20 feet long! Now, that should make a statement!

This blog will be a central website/blog to get information out, and to share pictures, stories, etc... You can also use this URL to get here: Also, please check out as this is the central site and registration at this site will help keep everything linked with the national movement.

As you all probably know, the Tax Day Tea Party was just the beginning, and I am already gearing up to start planning for the Fourth of July Independence Day Tea Party! I have tentatively reserved Gascoigne Park. I say tentatively because I need $700 to put with the reservation to make it binding. For that amount, we have the park the entire day. For those of you who don't know, Gascoigne is the Park that is beside Epworth (off of Sea Island Causeway.) There are many reasons why I think this is an excellent location including - lots of parking (we now know this is important!), shade trees along with sunny spots, visible from the causeway in an area that is moving slower already (lots of traffic going by there on the Fourth, too!), there are public restrooms, and also an eating pavilion with picnic tables - all this combined with a breeze to keep the bugs off, and I'm sure you can see why I'm excited about this location! My vision for the Independence Day Tea Party is a good old fashioned Fourth of July party (you know, what the Sunshine Festival used to be...)

Obviously to pull this off, we will need plenty of volunteers, so if anyone is able to and would like to volunteer, please reply back to me so that I can put you on the volunteer list. Also, we will need some money. I have set up a bank account specifically for the Tea Parties at Security Bank that is set up to receive donations if anyone is able and would like to contribute. (If everyone who came last Wed donated $1, we would have $636! And, if everyone donated $5 - we would have over $3000!) Again, only if you feel that you can donate - everyone is welcome to volunteer and attend regardless of donations, so please do not feel obligated. (I won't have any record of who donates at the bank anyway...) For anyone who is interested, you can go to Security and they can look up the account under Dawn Forbes - but you need to tell them that it is the Tea Party Account so that it is posted correctly. Also, please feel free to tell others about it who ask if they can donate toward the cause. I've also set up a paypal account linked to this bank account that uses this e-mail Again, please feel free to forward all the website information and the donation information.

I've created a Facebook Event Page for this tea party so that the information can easily be forwarded among your Facebook friends list. The event page is here:

Thank you for all your help in making this event a huge success!