Friday, May 22, 2009

The American Clean Energy & Security Act of 2009

First of all, when I called Kingston's office earlier today - they told me that the Congressman was "swaying" toward voting No on this bill. Since then, the answer has changed according to many reports I have received today. I have had several people e-mail me that after calling, the staffer has said that Kingston will be voting No. That change was made a mere few hours after I had checked in on him. (That's the last time I assume he will automatically vote against these crazy taxes.) So, Good job, everyone!

It seems that due to the pressures on Congress regarding this bill, they have decided to push it back into the smaller committees rather than risk a full House vote at this time. They probably think that we'll quit paying attention after a while - let's prove to them that the days of us not paying attention are over. The sooner we can kill this bill the better.

The following is an e-mail update that I have received from

The Cap & Trade (ACES) Act has been referred to eight committees;these are the targets we need to focus on right now. Basically, wefeel that Waxman doesn’t have enough votes to pass HR 2454 on thefloor so it has been moved into these committees.

Why is this bill being put back into committees?

Could it be there are sweetheart deals being cooked up to get thispassed?

Tell the committees NO government limits on our rights to consume!

NO to HR 2454 (ACES)!

Committee on Energy and Commerce, (202) 225-2927
Committees on Foreign Affairs, (202) 225-5021
Financial Services, (202) 225-4247
Education and Labor, (202) 225-3725
Science and Technology, (202) 225-6375
Transportation and Infrastructure, (202) 225-4472
Natural Resources, Agriculture, (202) 225-6065
Ways and Means, (202) 225-3625

May 21st Mark Up on HR 2454

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It looks like our main speaker will be Barry Farber, but we are still trying to raise the money to cover his (and his wife's) airfare from NY. This is the only compensation he has requested, and he is willing to fly Coach, so I am thrilled that we are able to have him join us! If anyone is able to help out with a few dollars, please remember that you can make a deposit at any Security Bank branch into the Tea Party account or by using the "Chip in" widget to the right.

Jackie will be joining me as a co-coordinator of our event. She is located in Kingsland, and she is working on publicity as well. You can also e-mail her at if you have any questions.

Also, we are still in need of more food vendors. As of now, we have a hot dog cart and a barbeque trailer. I would like to have the Tea Party give out popcorn and cotton candy and request donations at these tables. A few of us were also considering renting a bounce house for the kids. It costs $140, and allows 8 children to bounce at a time. We have also reserved 2 portable event toilets from Jon-Jons. They assure me that these are nice and have not been used on construction sites. The cost is going to be $65 for each.

We have a registrar who has agreed to run the Voter Registration Table.

The following is a list of the volunteer positions we need for the Tea Party. If you are interested in helping out in any of these areas, please e-mail me at

People to help with the children's games
People to help with facepainting
Attendants for the Bounce House (maybe)
Working the Popcorn Machine
Working the Cotton Candy Machine
Parking Lot help - to help people find parking spaces
Setting up the tables, machines, etc.. (we need to start about 9:30 - 10:00 probably)
Breaking down at the end of the day
Clean up of any papers, trash, etc...
People to write "Letters to the Editor" of the Bwk News and Georgia Times Union
Make signs for the roadside to help advertise the event
Bake Sale? (maybe)
People to man the information tables

Friday, May 15, 2009

Park is Rented

I have paid the money for the park, and our permit has been approved - so all systems are a go! We are currently looking for musicians and performers for our Program, and we would also like to add more food vendors to the festivities. If you, or anyone you know, would like to participate, please e-mail me at

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blood is Literally Shooting out of my Eyes!

Take a look at how the new social justice system works with regard to the Chrysler Bankruptcy!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Park Rental

I have some good - no great - news! Due to some very generous anonymous donors, we now have the money for the park rental. I will go on Monday to reserve the park for our Tea Party. Any further money that we receive will be used for equipment rentals, entertainment, advertising, etc... (There are still plenty of areas that need to be funded.)

Thank you to everyone who has donated so far!

Friday, May 8, 2009

We have a Flat Bed Truck

Top Dog Wrecker Service will be allowing us the use of his truck, so that need has been filled. Thank you to everyone who worked to track down a solution!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Needs for Fourth of July Tea Party

I am listing the current needs we have as we are organizing for the Fourth.

We need entertainers and speakers

Platform or flat bed truck for the stage
Big screen and projector

Food and Drinks

Medical Volunteer who knows First Aid

Fund Raising

If anyone can help with any of these items, please be sure to e-mail me at

Tea Party Express

Be sure to check out We're not near the tour, but we don't have the worst offenders either.....

From their website:

From August 28th to September 12th the "Tea Party Express" bus will tour the country, hosting tea party rallies to hold our leaders accountable for their out-of-control tax and spend policies.
We'll highlight some of the worst offenders, and work to take our country back beginning with the upcoming 2010 elections.

Friday, May 1, 2009

President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Others Owe 1.2 Million Tea Party Patriots Apology

The American People Deserve Better From Their Elected Representatives and Are Beginning to Demand It.

Among the political class it has apparently become acceptable, and even fashionable, for American politicians from the President on down to mock the citizens they represent. In a development that can only further denigrate the discourse necessary to any effective democracy, politicians and the "serious" news media are now mocking citizens regularly and with impunity. Supported by mainstream journalists on MSNBC and CNN who themselves use sexual slurs on national television to mock and attack the same citizens, the politicians openly demonstrate their feelings of superiority in regard to those they were elected to represent. They now candidly express their disdain for a significant portion of the American population without threat of reprisal by the mainstream media.

On the morning of the April 15th Tea Parties, the American public was informed on national news by one of the President's economic advisers, Jared Bernstein, that the President was "unaware" of the tea parties taking place in over 850 cities across the nation. On April 29th, the President informed a town hall meeting in St. Louis that he has now become aware of the tea parties, but only from "certain news channels on which I'm not very popular." He referred to the one million plus Patriots who came out in legitimate and constitutionally protected demonstrations of free speech on April 15th as "folks waving tea bags around..." While he collects royalties (last year about $2.6 million) from his books, The Audacity of Hope and Dreams From My Father, the President has the audacity to imply that we the people have nothing legitimate to say about high taxes, wasteful spending and corporate bailouts. The President also seems to believe that it is appropriate to mock millions of Americans who are expressing their opinions publicly in a peaceful manner. "Perhaps he feels that by mocking the tea parties and the patriots who attend them, that he can marginalize them. But we know that real patriots cannot be marginalized, and that they will continue to make their voices heard in ever greater numbers," says Dawn Forbes, St. Simons Island Tea Party Coordinator and Tea Party Patriots National Leadership Council Member.

This sort of condescending approach to the grassroots is a hallmark of politicians all across this land. We, the grassroots are mocked by the President as "folks waving tea bags around." Discussion of our legitimate complaints and concerns is avoided through the use of derogatory and condescending rhetoric. We've heard similar rhetoric from the Speaker Nancy Pelosi who says the tea parties are an "Astroturf initiative," and "contrived events backed by those who like tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans." Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL), called people who attended the Tea Parties "despicable" and "shameful," "corporate interests" and said the events were created by "Republican lobbyists and politicians". At every level, the President and the majority of politicians at a national level refuse to discuss the issues head on, and refuse to acknowledge the fact that a huge, non-partisan, grassroots movement has coalesced around limited government, fiscal responsibility and lower taxes. As politicians, they are simply interested in taking and spending more and more of our money, and in leaving our children with the burdens of their excess. And they will mock, deride and oppose anyone who objects to what they are doing.

At this time, the President, and all other politicians who demeaned the protestors, Speaker Pelosi (CA), and Rep. Schakowsky (IL) included, owe 1.2 million patriots an apology. If our politicians are truly interested in dialogue with the people they claim to represent, such a dialogue must begin with respect for the citizens of this country. That show of respect will begin when the politicians acknowledge that mocking and demeaning well-intentioned, peaceful Tea Party Patriots who love their country is the height of arrogance and a terrible mistake. The American people deserve better from their elected representatives, and they are beginning to demand it.